Residence Serra La Nave

Contrada Serra La Nave - Etna Sud, Sn RAGALNA | Area: countryside
Declared by the Innkeeper

The Residence is situated in Serra la Nave (Ragalna, in the province of Catania). This holiday resort is 1735 metres above sea-level.

The Residence is surrounded by trees and bushes. It’s next astrophisic Observatory of the University in Catania, and next to naturalistic ways of the Etna Park. You can admire the dense woods and the evocative flows of lava wich became white runs in the winter.

The cableway of Etna (Rifugio Sapienza) is only 2,5 km away and it leads to the highest craters and to the runs for skilled skiers.

How to get here

When you arrive in Catania, follow the road signs towards Nicolosi. Etna South. Once you have crossed Nicolosi, you follow the road sign which points towards Etna-south. After 14th km there is another road sign which says to run on the left towards Astrophisic Observatory, follow the indications and after more or less 800 mt you get to Serra La Nave. You can see the Residence on the left, next to the little church.