B&B Rizzoli Residence

Via San Mamolo) Invia Una Richiesta Di Disponibilta') Luciano.lucchini58@Gmail.com - 051/306953, 116 BOLOGNA | Area: San Mamolo
Declared by the Innkeeper

Rizzoli Residence is a villa from a little restructured, situated in the Street St. Mamolo behind the famous Necks Bolognesi. All the rooms have personal bath with cloths, towels and phon. In all the rooms I am besides you introduce the TV and you furnish comforting. To disposition of the guests a kitchen equipped that it will allow them to prepare the meals in complete autonomy.
Rizzoli Residence is thought for the family ones about the succession of the hospitalized patients, also for long periods. Luciano and our staff are always to disposition to make the stay the most pleasant possible.
We have a service of transport for disabled also with wheelchair, completely free programmable and prenotabile during the application of availability of the rooms, that allows to be accompanied from the station or from the airport up to the Bed & Breakfast as well as the transport from the Bed & Breakfast to the hospital structure.
The prices according to the city events as fairs and to the season.
For any further information we are to your disposition to the free toll-free number 800 504977