Via Palmiro Togliatti, 2 - ARADEO (LE)
Palazzo Francesco Grassi, which dates back to around 1864, is located in the heart of Aradeo and is surrounded by residential buildings. The built surfaces are 800 square meters on the first floor, 750 on the ground floor, and 700 square meters of garden.

The rooms of the noble floor have pictorial and flooring furnishings dating back to 1893, as evidenced by the date on the decorated vaults by Agesilao Flora and assistants. The mosaic floors bearing the family crest, the boiserie and faux marble wainscoting, the stucco frames on the walls of the lounge, and the overdoors with stucco clipei decorated with figures complete the interior decorations, qualifying the space in a distinct Art Nouveau style.

The paintings on the vaults are dated 1893 and 1897.
*Declared by the Innkeeper